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A total 43 Education courses have been registered.

[KIC_eng. > Level 6]


교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 6 hours        인원 Education capacity : 500people

  • Application period: 24.07.01~24.10.25
  • Education period : 24.10.30~24.10.30
  • Education fee: free


[공통 > 보수]

[KoNECT-Pharmaron] 국내 의료 미용 제품의 중국시장 진출을 위한 규제/임상평가 전략

교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 2 hours        인원 Education capacity : 50people

  • Application period: 24.09.11~24.10.09
  • Education period : 24.10.16~24.10.16
  • Education fee: 20,000won



[KoNECT-셀타스퀘어] PV audit & inspection

교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 2 hours        인원 Education capacity : 110people

  • Application period: 24.05.27~24.06.21
  • Education period : 24.06.26~24.06.26
  • Education fee: 20,000won

Registration Closed

[공통 > 보수]

[KoNECT-PHAMARON] Global Drug R&D Strategy

교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 7 hours        인원 Education capacity : 100people

  • Application period: 24.03.04~24.04.03
  • Education period : 24.04.09~24.04.09
  • Education fee: 70,000won

Registration Closed

[공통 > 보수]

[KoNECT-ICON]Cell and Gene Therapy

교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 1 hours        인원 Education capacity : 100people

  • Application period: 23.11.13~23.11.28
  • Education period : 23.11.30~23.11.30
  • Education fee: 10,000won

Registration Closed

[KIC > 심화]

2023 KoNECT International Conference_심화/보수 (1day)

교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 7 hours        인원 No personnel limit

  • Application period: 23.10.02~23.10.06
  • Education period : 23.10.12~23.10.12
  • Education fee: 350,000won

Registration Closed

[KIC > 심화]

2023 KoNECT International Conference_심화/보수 (3day)

교육일수 Days of education : 3days       시간 Hours of education : 21 hours        인원 No personnel limit

  • Application period: 23.10.02~23.10.06
  • Education period : 23.10.10~23.10.12
  • Education fee: 500,000won

Registration Closed

[KIC_eng. > Level 6]


교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 7 hours        인원 Education capacity : 700people

  • Application period: 23.06.22~23.09.04
  • Education period : 23.09.12~23.09.26
  • Education fee: free

Registration Closed

[KIC_eng. > Level 6]


교육일수 Days of education : 1days       시간 Hours of education : 7 hours        인원 Education capacity : 700people

  • Application period: 23.06.22~23.09.04
  • Education period : 23.09.05~23.09.05
  • Education fee: free

Registration Closed

[규제과학,인허가 > 심화]

제1회 의약품 인허가의 이해 과정

교육일수 Days of education : 3days       시간 Hours of education : 17 hours        인원 Education capacity : 60people

  • Application period: 22.11.04~22.11.15
  • Education period : 22.11.21~22.11.23
  • Education fee: 127,500won

Registration Closed