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[KIC > 보수]

Non-Clinical Studies Enabling Successful Clinical Development_공통보수

KIC > 보수
Non-Clinical Studies Enabling Successful Clinical Development
30 일 / 48 분
  • 소개

  • 목차

  • 교육일정


Translation of Non-Clinical Studies to Clinical Trials


Dong Hwan Kim(Konyang University)

Translational research or translational medicine is used for various circumstances such as benchside to bedside, early clinical to late clinical, bedside to community, community to benchside etc.
The safety factor is determined by comparing the pharmacokinetic exposure value at the effective dose with the toxicokinetic exposure value at the toxicity studies. The risk- Benefit analysis can be used to establish clinical entry and methods of clinical trials. In the case of drugs which are positive in genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and/or reproductive toxicity studies, human safety can be secured through risk assessment.
Non-clinical studies consist of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and toxicology. Pharmacology includes primary pharmacodynamics, secondary pharmacodynamics and safety pharmacology. Pharmacokinetics involves absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Toxicology consists of acute toxicity, repeated-dose toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, local tolerance and other toxicity studies.
For the clinical trials, these pharmacological, pharmacokinetic and toxicological studies should be comprehensively evaluated to establish the planning and direction of clinical trials, to estimate an initial safe starting dose and dose range for the human trials and to identify parameters for clinical monitoring for potential adverse effects.
The safety factor is determined by comparing the pharmacokinetic exposure value at the effective dose with the toxicokinetic exposure value at the toxicity studies. The risk- Benefit analysis can be used to establish clinical entry and methods of clinical trials. In the case of drugs which are positive in genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and/or reproductive toxicity studies, human safety can be secured through risk assessment.?


● Accelerating Clinical Development Using Cutting Edge Preclinical Technologies and E-data Submission


Takayuki Anzai(Showa University School of Medicine)

Modern new drug development demands an integrative approach, using many different screening tests during nonclinical phase, once a target for discovery has been chosen, a pharmaceutical company works on the efficacy profiling using nonclinical research models.
In addition to this, the latest US FDA’s requirement for electronic data submission will be a key for cutting time to the market. Speaker also introduces how you can shorten the time period for IND and NDA process.
In addition to this, the latest US FDA’s requirement for electronic data submission will be a key for cutting time to the market. Speaker also introduces how you can shorten the time period for IND and NDA process.?


1. Dong Hwan Kim(Konyang University)

2. Takayuki Anzai(Showa University School of Medicine) 


상기 과정은 보수과정으로 직능별, 단계별 인정가능시간이 상이함으로 관련규정 '[별표1] 임상시험등 종사자별 교육과정 및 이수시간'을 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다.

[별표 1]

임상시험등 종사자별 교육과정 및 이수시간

(5조 관련)


해당 분야 실시경험이

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해당 분야 실시경험이 있는 종사자2)

신규자 교육과정


심화 교육과정

보수 교육과정

 . 임상시험등 시험책임자3), 시험담당자4)

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 . 임상시험등 업무 담당자5)

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2시간 이상

1) 규칙 제38조의23항 후단 및 제5조제2항에 따라 임상시험등 업무 경력이 없는 사람이 그 업무를 시작하기 전에 받아야 하는 교육시간을 말한다.

2) 보수교육과정은 평가를 생략할 수 있고, 해당 교육과정의 교육대상이면서 교육을 실시한 경우에는 교육시간을 이수시간으로 인정하며, 심포지엄, 워크숍, 온라인 교육 등으로 이수할 수 있으며, 이수시간의 최대 50/100까지 인정된다.

3) 의사 등이 시험책임자?시험담당자 교육과정에서 이수 받은 교육시간은 심사위원회 교육과정에서 이수 받은 교육시간으로 보며, 반대의 경우도 동일하게 적용한다.

4) 의약품 등의 안전에 관한 규칙[별표 4] 의약품 임상시험 관리기준 제2호코목에 따른 시험당당자(Subinvestigator)를 말한다.

5) 시험담당자(Subinvestigator), 관리약사, 임상시험등 코디네이터를 제외한 시험책임자의 위임 및 감독에 따라 임상시험등 업무를 담당하는 사람(임상병리사, 방사선사 등)을 말한다.


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